Friday, March 14, 2014

Regional Retreat

At the end of January we had our Word Made Flesh regional retreat here in Bolivia. It was a really beautiful time of community and rest and play.

The teaching during the retreat came out of the book of Revelations. I was a little nervous when I heard what book we would be studying, but I thoroughly enjoyed the teaching. We focused on three different themes - Lament, Confession, and Prayer. All three of the themes were amazing and I got so much out of each - especially since we promptly put each of them into practice. Our practice of Lament was especially amazing. Some of the staff that have been on the field for many years had some heavy emotions and experiences, which several shared through a personal Psalm recited before the group. I didn't have anything incredibly heavy, but I definitely felt the need to lament being far from my family. This year missing Christmas and birthdays has been really rough and it's even harder to think that this is the new normal. But I am so thankful to have a loving God that listens to my lament and cries along with me. And I am thankful to have a clear call to ministry and fulfilling work to do here in Bolivia.

It was so good to be with "fleshies" from all over South America. Our new Global Director also joined us from the States. He encouraged us to become a family rather than a community. Authentic love and support is what will allow us to succeed and continue in the difficult work we do all around the globe. While it was easy to feel an instant connection with my WMF family, it was so hard to say goodbye and know that it will probably be another 3 years until we meet again.

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