Monday, May 20, 2013

Creating a Community of Mutual Partnership

As I continue down this path towards ministry in Bolivia, I find myself challenged in new ways and yet full of gratitude. Much of this process is very new to me and God has been faithful to lead me one small step at a time. Following a strong call to work among the poor in Bolivia, God has led me to the ministry of Word Made Flesh, provided a community for me in Bolivia, and laid out the necessary steps to make my way to Bolivia in September. I now find myself at the place of fundraising - the step I was most nervous about. I have raised money several times in the past, but all for short term commitments. In a way, raising money for my salary and long-term calling to Bolivia is scary but also very exciting. Instead of asking for one quick donation, I am asking for a long-term partnership. The mission God has given me requires that He also raise up a community of ministry partners to journey with me on this new path. 

Without reservation and with much excitement, I humbly ask for your partnership. Would you consider giving towards my ministry in Bolivia? While I have a few upfront costs (airline ticket, visa, language school), I would be honored if you would consider becoming a monthly supporter. I am totally dependent on the generosity of the Father to provide for all of my needs, but I am confident that he will use the love and generosity of those in my life to create a mutual community of gratitude. I believe God is calling us to a new thing through our collaboration in bringing forth the Kingdom of God! It would be such a blessing to be able to share the stories of ministry with you - the successes, failures, challenges, and joys. God is doing a mighty work in Bolivia, bringing about freedom and new life to those leaving the sex trade as well as to those of us acting on his behalf.

If the Lord is moving you to give, or if you simply want to learn more, please let me know! I would love to meet with each supporter personally to share more of the mission and vision that God has given me and begin to create a new and deeper friendship with you. I would like to invite you to invest yourself through the resources God has given you - your energy, your prayers, and your money - in this work to which God has called me.  

Here's how you can donate:
1 - Visit the WMF giving page on their website:
2 - Select your preferred giving method and be sure to designate your gift for "Staff Ali Fraze"

**If you're interested in the specifics, I have settled on a monthly budget of $1,500, about half of which will cover my in-country expenses. My six weeks of language school will cost around $1,500, as will my plane ticket out there. I'd love to provide a further breakdown of my expenses if you are curious. Just ask!**

Thank you for your friendship and partnership! I am already overwhelmed with gratitude for the ways God has and will continue to provide for all of my needs. I hope to hear from you soon and begin a more profound partnership in ministry for many years to come. REMEMBER: If you decide to give, please let me know so that I can be in touch! Thank you for your generosity and love!

"...whoever sows generously will also reap generously... God loves a cheerful giver... You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God... Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!" 2 Corinthians 9:6-15

With much gratitude,
Ali Fraze

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