Thursday, February 3, 2011

Back to my Roots.

Hey there. Thanks so much for the weekend prayers! The prayer retreat was really great! God is doing some cool things on the team, and it's starting to get a little bit easier to discern his voice.

Right before heading off to the prayer retreat I had a job interview at a really cute independent coffee shop! Unfortunately, I hadn't received any news about the job before I had to unplug and head off to the retreat. I found myself a little distracted Friday night and Saturday morning. I finally asked my teammate James if I could use his nifty iphone to check my email real quick for any word on the job. I frantically signed in and scrolled down my inbox. There it is! "Welcome to the team" was the subject line! Woohoo!!! A job! I did a little happy dance right there... and it was fun to be with the whole team at dinner when I got the news! Praise the Lord! And then I clumsily made a quick reply to accept the job while my dinner got cold. But who cares about dinner... I got a job!

So yeah, I started at the coffee shop on Tuesday. It's going well. The people are really nice, it seems to stay pretty busy, and it's SO cute! I still have a lot to learn as far as all of their systems and procedures, but I'm getting there. The shop is family owned - started by a Korean mom and daughter (my age). The daughter is acting as the store manager now. It's located in a pretty snazzy part of town, somewhat close to Hollywood. I've already heard all kinds of conversations between people about work in "the industry". But I haven't seen any famous people yet. I'll let you know if anyone big pops in!

Just wanted to share the news! I feel very blessed. It's fun to be back to the coffee shop culture! The job is a great compliment to my part time teaching gig at the after school program. And now it's fun to look back at all of the closed doors, frustrations, and waiting over the last several months and praise God for his perfect plan and perfect timing. And I'm so glad that I didn't have to cross over to the dark side... (Sbucks). ;)


  1. yaaaay! congrats again. i'm glad you like it so far. :]

  2. Supperrr Congrats for the Job!!!!

    I'm even more proud of you now. I left you a comment @ your Sermon blog
    be good kiddo!

  3. Hooray! And super bonus that your job is at a cute coffee shop. That makes it nice to go to work. I pray you can build good relationships with coworkers and customers that will show them God's love. Way to persevere, Ali!
