Saturday, December 3, 2011


Towards the end of our time in Bolivia, Keo and I had planned to take a short trip to the town of Copacabana on the shore of Lake Titicaca. It was originally meant to be a time of rest and reflection... but it ended up turning into more of an outreach excursion. We had invited our host Ramiro, and a couple of other guys that had helped to host us and take us around to the various ministries. Ramiro ended up not being able to go because of work commitments, so instead we took 4 of the shoeshiner guys and one of their sons. While I wouldn't necessarily call it restful, the trip was super fun and a great time with friends!

We took a minibus out of La Paz on Sunday afternoon. It was raining pretty good and sprinkled on and off throughout the journey. About 2 hours down the road we had to get off of the minibus and cross the "strait" by boat. Then we met up with our minibus on the other side and finished the last hour of the journey to Copa. We got into town around 7pm. We found a couple of rooms to rent for SUPER cheap ($1.50 per person), got settled, and then headed out for some grub. We each downed a plate of "silpancho" and then we took a stroll through the town and down to the shore of the lake. it was a chilly night, but fun to hang out, talk, and take in the scenery (which we knew was there, but couldn't necessary see).

The next morning, we rallied the troops and headed out to the market for breakfast. We enjoyed some "api", "cafe con leche", and some delicious fried dough. Thankfully the rain had passed and it was a beautiful sunny day. After breakfast, we headed over to a nearby hill that has a really cool hike of the stations of the cross. There were incredible views of the whole town and the lake from the top! ...but sadly I forgot to bring my camera on the hike. Sorry! After exploring the top for a while, we gathered and shared in a time of prayer and devotional. Rafa shared some thoughts with us and then we prayed for the Lord to be with us and teach us to walk in his ways. It was really cool to see the guys take ownership over their own discipleship.

Then we headed back to the hostel to check out and grab our things. Then we headed back down to the shore of the lake and found a dude with a boat that offered to take us out to "the floating islands". The boat ride took about 30 minutes. The islands weren't all that impressive, but that's ok, because we had really come for the fresh trout lunch! They had a series of nets attached to the man-made island which contained hundreds of trout. The dude on the island fished out a huge bunch of fish and then selected the biggest ones for us to eat. After we had our photo shoot with the trout, he cut and cleaned the fish and gave them to the cook to fry up for us! Talk about FRESH! While we waited for our lunch, we stuck our toes in the water and Keo even got up the guts to jump in. Looked like fun, but way too cold for the rest of us! In a matter of minutes our fish was fried and on our plates. I was so excited! much so that I totally forgot to get a picture of the delicious fish on our plates. But let me tell you... it was SO GOOD. Before we left the island, we scurried up a little nearby hill and took some scenic pics.

After arriving back to Copacabana, we still had some time to enjoy the town before we had to head back to La Paz. We decided to rent a kayak and a paddle boat and play in the lake for a while. It was really fun to play and enjoy the sunshine! We spent the rest of the afternoon wandering around the town, walking through the cathedral, and enjoying some ice cream. Around 5pm, we decided to look for transportation back to La Paz. The journey back to the city was quite eventful... but we eventually made it home after a super fun excursion!

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