Friday, January 14, 2011

The Power of the Holy Spirit

Tonight at our SP meeting we discussed a book called Reimagining Evangelism. The word evangelism tends to make me cringe. Maybe some of you share my sentiment. I want to tell people about the loving goodness and power of God, but prefer to speak with my actions rather than words. I always justified my silence by blaming my introverted personality and fear of talking to new people. While I have no doubt that the Lord can use my actions and behind the scenes service to glorify him, it unfortunately doesn't give me a free pass to avoid participating in works of evangelism.

There were two themes that this book really stressed. First, that we should shift our mindset about evangelism from activism to collaboration. It's not about how much we can do to reach people for the kingdom of God, but it's about collaborating with the work of the Holy Spirit and being sensitive to its leading. Second, evangelism is all about learning to tell our own story. "...people today tend to distrust logic and truth when it is expressed propositionally and dogmatically. But when our truth is enfleshed in the stories of our lives, people are interested" (p. 85).

Our internship class is heading into a very busy and stretching season. February 1 marks the beginning of our "ministry projects". We're not yet sure what our ministry project will consist of, but what we do know is that we will be making an intense commitment to our neighbors/neighborhood and to being faithful to the ministry to which God calls us. Our schedule will be very full with SP meetings, ministry obligations, and regular encounters with our neighbors.

This season of the internship is also a great season to really be thinking about evangelism. It's clear that the Lord is really going to challenge and stretch our team to know our neighbors. And I think he will also grow us in the way of evangelism - calling us to be bold, to take risks, and to overcome our insecurities and fears. It's with excitement and reservation that I type these words. I desire so badly to grow in evangelism, but I also cringe at the thought of talking to strangers and talking about spirituality.

At the end of our meeting, our staff guy, Brad, wanted to spend some time in prayer. Instead of praying in general for our team he asked if one person might be willing to ask for prayer, confessing their fears and voicing their desire to grow and change through the power of the Holy Spirit. After a few seconds of conviction and slight panic, I voiced my desire for prayer. I've always yearned to be bathed in prayer, asking for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I desire to be freed from my insecurities and fear of rejection. I desire to be fully secure in my identity in Christ and free to love and speak with authority. "For God has not given me a spirit of fear and timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline" (2 Tim 1:7).

I was then blessed by about 20 minutes of prayer from my teammates. What a blessing! They voiced my desires and pleaded with the Holy Spirit to fill me and lead me. I was given the blessing of power and authority and my tongue was loosed to speak truth to whoever God puts in my path. I felt free, I felt empowered. I pray the Lord will continue to grow in me a spirit of power and authority and a passion for sharing his truth with my neighbors. May this change be real and lasting. Praise God!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely beautiful, Ali! And way to go on reaching out and grabbing those prayers. That takes courage and humility. I sure love ya, friend!
