Thursday, November 17, 2011


Tuesday night Keo started to have some nasty belly pain and diarrhea. We prayed together that night, asking God to heal her body and allow us to continue with our plans. In the morning she felt a little bit better, but still a little nauseous, so we prayed again. She felt better, so we got ready and caught transportation up to El Alto to spend the morning with Word Made Flesh. Almost immediately after we arrived in El Alto, the nausea and pain flared up again. We shared some coca tea with one of the staff and then Keo spent most of the morning lying down between trips to the bathroom. We joined in for the staff devotional about submission, and then helped out a bit in the kitchen, preparing everything for the lunch with the women. It was really great to sit with a family during lunch and get to know them a little bit and laugh together. I was really impressed by the amount of trust that these women have with the WMF staff. It’s clear that they know they are loved and cared for in that place.

After lunch Keo was feeling worse again. Thankfully, there was a doctor at the house and she was able to prescribe some antibiotics for Keo. Then we had to say some quick goodbyes and gingerly make our way to find transportation back down to La Paz. It was a long and windy trip, leaving Keo feeling even nastier. We finally made it down the hill, and walked back to the apartment. Keo crawled in bed while I ran a couple of errands to the bank, pharmacy, grocery, and phone. The rest of the afternoon was spent hanging around the house, trying to support to Keo, and trying to figure out if we should take any further action to get her well.
I was starting to have my own little battle of faith. Just a couple of nights ago we had read the passage from Matthew 7, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” Why, Lord, is Keo sick in bed still after we cried out to you and asked for healing? We’ve already had to cancel a couple of meetings… why does she have to be sick in bed during our limited time in Bolivia? Lord, help me to have your eyes and see your plan.
Keo was getting pretty weak and desperate for healing. Ramiro got off work really late, but he stopped by to see how Keo was doing and if she wanted to go to the hospital. When he arrived, Keo was feeling a little better and stronger and felt like she could make it through the night. She had just started her antibiotics prescription and was hopeful that it would help. Ramiro prayed over Keo and asked for healing and peace. We read a psalm together and she went to sleep.
This morning Keo is feeling much stronger. Her stomach still seems a little goofy and she’s probably pretty dehydrated. We’re going to take it slow today and hope she is completely better by tonight. Please lift up Keo in prayer. Pray for healing and restoration. Pray that the Lord would continue to be our comfort and our strength. Thanks so much.

1 comment:

  1. I've been praying for you and Keo both. Is she feeling better? I know God is working and will continue to work in spite of it all. Keep trusting Him, dear friend!
